Our Responsibility


Insurgent Ventures II is a newly set up division of Scandinavian Tobacco Group, with the aim to give 100% focus on developing the best Next Generation Oral products for you.
Our brand STRÖM is about always moving forward and improving along the way. That is why we are dedicated to contributing to positive change in everything we do.


Pure pleasure & enjoyment – For adults only

To be able to enter our website, you must verify you are 18+.
STRÖM products are made for pure pleasure and enjoyment. They contain nicotine, which is an addictive substance. Therefore, our products are intended for adult consumers only.

Safe and sustainable production

The powder used in STRÖM nicotine pouches provides smokers with a less harmful alternative to smoking. Our aim is to manufacture the best products available, with a long-lasting flavour release. For the manufacture of STRÖM nicotine pouches we ensure high quality standards, and the production facilities are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.

All our containers are

100% plant-based can

For our brand STRÖM, we have invested in an environmentally friendly can. The can is made from 100% bioplastics created with pine-tree oil. Pine-tree oil is a renewable residual product, which makes it fossil-free, so it has no climate impact. To ensure that the material we purchase is manufactured under sustainable conditions, we have chosen only 3rd parties certified according to ISCC PLUS. This way, we can guarantee our consumers that as much fossil-free plastic raw material is added to the market as we use in our products. This principle is called the mass balance approach.

ISCC PLUS – What is it?

With ISCC certified materials, we can trust that the biomass used in the production of the plastic raw material is produced from fossil-free bio-based raw material on a mass balance basis. It therefore:

  • Does not compete with the food supply
  • Counteracts deforestation
  • Does not come from soils with high biodiversity and natural collages
  • Complies with human rights labor and land rights
  • Is traceable throughout the supply chain from cultivation to final product manufacturing
  • Complies with laws and international treaties

ISCC ensures biomass production that meets environmental, climate and social requirements.
Read more about ISCC at http://www.iscc-system.org

Our sustainability goals

Scandinavian Tobacco Group has been working with ESG topics since 2016, creating our first CSR strategy in 2020. After conducting a materiality assessment in 2021, we identified ten topics, and prioritized five for the first wave of implementation: climate change, water management, anti-child labour, diversity, equality & inclusion, and community engagement. Thus, our sustainability agenda has evolved and is based on 2 main pillars: Net zero and Communities. We began measuring our Scope 1 and 2 emissions under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Net Zero along our journey

The Science based target initiative (SBTi) enables organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets, that are in line with the Paris Agreement, to limit global warming to below 1.5 degrees, and prevent the worst effects of climate change. In 2022 we have committed to emission targets set by SBTi, and we must deliver them by 2030 (Scope 1 and 2). By 2050, we will become fully Net Zero (incl. Scope 3). Since no company can solve the climate challenge alone, we are working together with our partners, and you, our valued customer.

Sustainable community pioneers

We have defined ‘Community’ as ‘The communities and environment we are a part of through our operations and supply chain’. With 10,000+ employees worldwide and 8,500 in our production facilities, we have not only a strong responsibility – but also have enormous potential to create a positive impact and improve people’s lives. We already have many important and impactful local initiatives in place and have had for many years. To engage and create the biggest positive impact on communities, moving forward, we will specifically focus on healthcare, education, and women’s enablement.