Cookies Policy

This website is made available by Insurgent Ventures II A/S (“IV”), Sandtoften 9, 2820 Gentofte, Denmark.

1. Background

This policy describes IV’s use of cookies. If you do not agree with the terms of this policy, you should not use this website and should delete the cookies placed by the website.

2. Cookies

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in your web browser while you are browsing our websites in order to recognise your computer at recurring visits. The cookie may transmit information via your browser with the purpose of authenticating or identifying the computer (via e.g. the IP address) or the user. Cookies may contain information such as registration data and user preferences. When a server receives a request from a computer, which stores a cookie from the website, the server is able to use the information stored in the cookie in combination with the data stored on the server. A cookie cannot collect information from your computer and cannot carry any virus or other damaging files.

There are two types of cookies: persistent cookies and session cookies. The persistent cookies are stored on your device for a longer period of time after your browser has been closed and are used, for example, to log the choices you made during earlier visits. Session cookies are stored temporarily in your browser, for example, to remember what language you selected. These are erased automatically after your browser is closed.

There are also third-party cookies, meaning that the cookies do not originate from us, but from someone else. Third-party cookies are often used for web statistics, such as Google Analytics.

3. For what purpose are cookies used on this website?

IV uses persistent cookies and session cookies to facilitate the use of the website. Cookies are also used to store information between your visits.

We use cookies for a number of different purposes. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons; some enable a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users; and some allow the display of advertising from selected third-party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a visitor takes a particular action (clicking the ‘like’ or ‘follow’ button on a post, for example).

Below the different categories of cookies set by IV are outlined, with specific examples detailed in the tables that follow. This includes their name and purpose. Certain cookies are only set for logged-in visitors, whereas others are set for any visitors, and these are marked below accordingly. Where a cookie only applies to specific subdomains, they are included under the relevant header.

Strictly Necessary: These are the cookies that are essential for STRÖM to perform basic functions. These include those required to allow registered users to authenticate and perform account-related functions.

Functionality: These cookies are used to store preferences set by users such as account name, language, and location.

Performance: Performance cookies collect information on how users interact with websites hosted on STRÖM, including what pages are visited most, as well as other analytical data. These details are only used to improve how the website functions.

Tracking: These are set by trusted third-party networks (e.g. Google Analytics) to track details such as the number of unique visitors, and pageviews to help improve the user experience.

Third Party/Embedded Content: STRÖM uses different third-party applications and services to enhance the experience of website visitors. These include social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (through the use of sharing buttons), or embedded content from YouTube and Vimeo. As a result, cookies may be set by these third parties and used by them to track your online activity. We have no direct control over the information that is collected by these cookies.

Cookie Duration Purpose Logged-in Users Only?
wordpress_test_cookie Session Tests that the browser accepts cookies. No
wp-settings-{user_id} 1 year Used to persist a user’s wp-admin configuration. Yes
14 days if you select “Remember Me” when logging in. Otherwise, Session. Used to check whether the current visitor is a logged-in user. Yes
wporg_locale 1 year Used to persist a user’s locale configuration. Yes
age-appropriate 30 days Used for user age verification. Yes

4. How do I turn off cookies?

If you choose not to accept the use of cookies on the website, you can simply turn off or limit cookies using your browser’s security settings function. Use your browser’s help function to find out how.

If you block or limit cookies on the website, it is possible that you will not be able to use all of the services and functions on the website.

5. Contact details

If you have any questions or comments, please contact IV via email at

Last updated: July 18, 2022